Unleash your potential with

the four pillars of job hunting success

Flair, Focus, Finish, and Future

If you are job hunting, I can help you stand out from the crowd in person and in writing. Book now to work with me on your resume or interview preparation.

Job hunting word cloud

Flair: discover your unique professional edge

Learn more about flair in this article from the Dragon Lion Blog.

Stand out from the crowd
Stand out from the crowd for the right reasons

Focus: master your interview skills

Find interview advice from Kathy in the Dragon Lion Blog.

Be prepared for interview pressure
Be prepared for interview pressure

Finish: secure your dream job

Get weekly career tips like this one in your inbox for as long as you like.

Practise active listening
Dragon Lion Career Tip: Practise active listening

Future: launch your career on a strong foundation

Discover the Dragon Lion Career Development Action Plan

Young woman planning her career
Young woman planning her career