Four things to consider before you quit your job

Did you know that as many as 1 in 4 people regret leaving their job? Here are four things for you to consider before you decide to quit your job.

Are you leaving a great group of co-workers?

If you love your workmates but don’t love your job, perhaps you can

Are you leaving this job for the right reasons?

If you aren’t sure, work out what you don’t like about your job and see if you can

Are you leaving a great boss or role model?

If your answer is yes, think about ways to

Are you leaving because you think that there are no opportunities where you are?

If you haven’t thought about opportunities where you are, and you like your workplace, arrange to

Whether you decide to stay or leave, thinking these things through will give you added confidence that you are making the right decision. As ever, with your career, I wish you

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